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A painting of the interior of The Crystal Palace during the 1851 Great Exhibition. Many groups of people are viewing statues, models and exhibits.

Regionalism Across the World in the Nineteenth Century

March 2019

A.0. Regions, Identity and the Genesis of Romance, Revolution & Reform

Zack White (Editor-in-Chief), Katie Holdway (Deputy Editor)

A.1. ‘West Country Scum’: National Politics, Local Ritual and Space in the English South West, c. 1820-1832

Leonard Baker (University of Bristol)

A.2. Anthologies, Periodicals and the Press: Publicising Manchester Poetry in the early 1840s

Harry Bark (University of Oxford)

A.3. Old Age, Regionalism and the ‘North-South’ Divide in Late Victorian and Edwardian England

Tom Heritage (University of Southampton)

A.4. A Dialogic Reverberation between Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native (1878) and Shen Congwen’s Long River (1938-45)

Yuejie Liu (University of Southampton)

A.5. The Dilemma of William Carleton, Regional Writer and Subject of Empire

Barry Sloan (Emeritus Professor - University of Southampton)

R.1. Karin Koehler’s Thomas Hardy and Victorian Communication: Letters, Telegrams and Postal Systems

Eleanor Shipton (University of Exeter)

R.2. Bennett Zon's Evolution and Victorian Musical Culture

Roger Hansford (Editorial Board)

R.3. SCNR Regionalism Conference Review

Sophie Welsh (University of Exeter)

University of Southampton, UK

SO17 1BJ

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Romance, Revolution and Reform is an interdisciplinary PGR-led journal specialising in the long nineteenth century and run in association with the Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research.



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