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An 1870 painting by August von Wille. An industrial town in a green valley. Smoke rises from several tall factory chimneys spread amongst residential buildings.

Reform in the Long Nineteenth Century

January 2021

A.0. Representing Reform in the Long Nineteenth Century

Katie Holdway (University of Southampton)

A.1. Measuring the General Level of Prices in the UK in the Long Nineteenth Century: from Individual Innovation to State Production

Jeff Ralph (University of Southampton), Paul A. Smith (University of Southampton)

A.2. ‘Humanity invested with a new form’: The Post Office and the Hospital in Household Words c. 1850

Jonathan Potter (Birmingham City University)

A.3. ‘Liberty joined with Peace and Charity’: Elizabeth Inchbald and a Woman’s Place in the Revolution

Eva Lippold (Coventry University)

A.4. ‘Let the feminine plebiscite be consulted’: English Feminists' Campaign Journalism, Foreign Policy and the Crisis in France of 1870-71

Siân Kitchen

A.5. The Bolama Colony and Abolitionary Reform in Captain Beaver’s African Memoranda (1805)

Carol Bolton (Loughborough University)

R.1. Robert Poole, Peterloo: The English Uprising

Leonard Baker (University of Bristol)

R.2. Colin Carman, The Radical Ecology of the Shelleys: Eros and the Environment

Katherine Warby (University of Huddersfield)

R.3. Edith Hall and Henry Stead, A People’s History of Classics: Class and Greco-Roman Antiquity in Britain and Ireland, 1689 to 1939

Quentin Broughall

R.4. Maaheen Ahmed, Monstrous Imaginaries: The Legacy of Romanticism in Comics

William Kitchen (University of Southampton)

R.5. Rory Muir, Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune: How Younger Sons Made Their Way in Jane Austen’s England

Zack White (University of Southampton)

University of Southampton, UK

SO17 1BJ

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Romance, Revolution and Reform is an interdisciplinary PGR-led journal specialising in the long nineteenth century and run in association with the Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research.



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